The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Retired as VP of The Association for Postal Commerce, PostCom Presently, producing and selling art photography. Obtained real estate license. Annually hike with former British colleague in southwest Wales. Received 5 Effie Awards for excellence in advertising, TV commercials and print media. Wife is a professional painter Son Jason received his Phd in Communications and Technology from Northwestern and now working at a DC think tank. Reading in retirement ancient and classical history. Member of International Wine & Food Society of Washington, DC since 1987. Hit the magic age of 65 in 2008. Sixty was brutal, at 65 I don't care anymore. Great satisfaction is handling the artistic estate of my former art instructor, arranging the bequest to go to Penn State. Represented the US at the Universal Postal Union in Bern, Switzerland. Spent 4 years working on postal reform legislation. Could never be a politician, I am a better diplomat.